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We've been manufacturing wood fencing, chain link products, installing fences, and custom-building gates in Edmonton for long enough to have heard (and answered) almost every fence-related question imaginable. We've created this convenient FAQ page to help address some of your questions—many of which you may not have even thought to ask. And if your question isn't answered here, don't worry!


Our team is always happy to assist you with any phone inquiries.

What Are the Benefits of Choosing a Chain Link Fence?

A: In short, cost, longevity and no maintenance. Chain link fences are built to last by using durable materials (galvanized steel). Maintenance is minimal (if necessary), and you don’t need to sand, repaint, etc. It is also, by far, the least expensive choice for fencing.

Q: 2 - Do You Supply and Install Residential, Commercial and Industrial Wood Fencing in Edmonton?

A: Yes, Duraguard Fence Ltd. has a wealth of experience in residential, commercial and industrial wood fencing in Edmonton. From small residential properties to entire airports, Duraguard Fence Ltd. can do it. When you phone us, please specify what type of estimator you wish to speak with.

Q:3 - How Long Will My Wood Fence Last in Edmonton's Climate?

A: The lifespan of your wood fence Edmonton depends on factors like the type of wood used, installation quality, and maintenance. Generally, a well-maintained wood fence can last between 10 to 15 years. Pressure-treated wood or cedar are both great options for Edmonton's variable weather. Regular maintenance, including sealing, staining, and inspecting for damage, will help extend the life of your fence.

Q: 4 - Do You Work Outside Edmonton and Its Surrounding Area?

A: Yes, we are one of the largest fencing contractors in Canada. We have completed installations from Vancouver, BC, to Thunder Bay, ON, and we are the leading installer in Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie.

Q: 5 - Can I Just Buy the Fencing Material from Duraguard Fence Ltd.?

A: Yes, we manufacture and sell all the components for a chain-link fence, down to the nuts and bolts.

Q: 6 - How Much Does a Chain Link Fence Cost?

A: Materials and installation prices are based on the type and height of the fence, the lineal footage, and the number and type/size of corners and gates.

Q: 7 - How Do I Get an Estimate for My Fence?

A: While we'd be happy to discuss your fencing needs over the phone, be aware that phone (or emailed) estimates are only as accurate as your measurements and descriptions. If you're not handy with a tape measure, you'd probably be better served by having an estimator come out to look at the area to be fenced.

Q: 8 - What Information Do I Need Before Calling Duraguard Fence Ltd.?

A: We love getting calls/faxes/emails from customers who know what type, height and quantity of fence they want. If you're faxing us, please include a diagram of an above view of the yard, indicating with lines where you want the fence, along with all the measurements (in feet/inches) clearly labelled. Use dots to indicate posts (for gates, ends, and corners) and show us the size and location of the gates. We need to know if the posts are going on cement, asphalt, or anything other than dirt.

Q: 9 - Do You Need to See the Site Before You Install It?

A: Probably. A crucial part of building your fence is the construction plan based on an on-site visit. Verifying the measurements, along with descriptions of the ground and potential obstructions, is essential information for adequately installing your fence.

Q: 10 - Can I Get a White/Black/Green/Brown Fence?

A: Yes, we have these colours available in fencing. The galvanized mesh has been coloured by coating it with coloured vinyl. The other metal components (e.g., posts, tension bands, etc.) are powder-coated and coloured to last.

Q: 11 - What Are Privacy Slats?

A: When correctly installed in a chain-link fence, privacy slats provide a barrier between your yard and the outside world. They protect passerby's eyes and shelter your yard from the wind. Privacy slats are made of polyethylene, a highly durable industrial plastic material. We carry a variety of slatting options, from moderate privacy (bottom lock style) to near-complete privacy (finlink and dura slat styles). We stock a lot of white, as well as grey, brown and black, the most commonly requested colours. We can bring in different colours (green, redwood, beige and blue) if you are willing to wait a few weeks.


Most slats have a 20-year warranty from the manufacturer. Installation of most slats is relatively easy to do and can be handled by most people who consider themselves ‘handy’. Good luck if you have the time and are up to the challenge; if not, we can install them for you.

Q: 12 - Do You Manufacture Your Chain Link Mesh?

A: Yes, we do. We have two chain link weaving machines, which ensures you get direct-from-the-manufacturer pricing. Manufacturing our own chain link also allows us to ensure that the quality is always there

Q: 13 - Do You Offer a Warranty?

A: Absolutely. It comes with a one-year warranty on the workmanship and materials. Many products also come with an extended warranty from their manufacturer.

Q: 14 - Can You Custom-build a Gigantic Gate for My Industrial Yard?

A: Our ability to make custom gates surpasses that of many other companies!

Read our blog to learn more about all things fences, and contact us to get a quote.

closeup of chain link fence mesh

The Duraguard Fence Dictionary

Barb Wire Arms - These arms act as eye tops but have the added feature of an extension to which barb wire can be attached. They are available in a 45-degree angle, V-shaped, or vertical.


Base Plate - Steel plate welded to the bottom of a post with 2-4 holes. These plates facilitate building a fence atop intact concrete.


Brace Band - A Pressed steel band that wraps around a terminal post. It contains a hole on each end to thread a bolt and thus attach a rail end to it.


Cantilever Gate - An industrial/commercial gate that glides open along rollers built into the fence structure. This kind of gate does not roll along the ground, as it is raised above the ground.


Carriage Bolts - The kind of bolt used to assemble the fence. These are available in many different sizes.


Corner Post - Galvanized post with two connections to the fence, marking where the fence changes direction.


Dome Cap - Shaped like a dome, this cap covers the top of terminal posts.


End Post - Galvanized post with one connection to the fence marking where the fence terminates.


Eye Top - A cap with a ring on top of it. This cap attaches to the top of a line post and allows the top rail to be threaded through the ring.


Fork Latch - A gate latch, used commonly on swing gates, in the shape of a 'U'. It lifts, allowing the gate to open. When closed, it keeps the gate secure.

Gate Post - Galvanized post with one or no connection to the fence, and a connection to the fence and a connection to the gate (either the gate swings from this post or latches to it).


Line Post - Smaller galvanized posts separating the terminal posts (end, corner, and gate posts). These are spaced roughly 10’  apart and attach mesh along a stretch of fence.


Mesh - The fence fabric constructed from weaved galvanized wire that is the actual “chain link”.


Rail Ends - Cowbell-shaped fasteners that attach the top rail to terminal posts. These contain a slot for pipe in one end and a ring for a bolt on the other.


Rolling Gate - A gate that rolls along the ground and is supported by wheel(s).


Swing Gate - This gate hangs from one post and attaches to another. It can be a single swing or a double swing. Single swings consist of one gate panel, while double swings are two gate panels that come together in the middle.


Tension Bar - A flat bar that is weaved through the mesh vertically and used to stretch the fence and attach it to a terminal post with tension bands.


Tension Band - Very similar to brace bands, but differ in that they have one straight end and one curved end. These attach the tension bar to the terminal post.


Top Rail - Galvanized pipe oriented horizontally to frame the top part of the fence, providing attachment for the top portion of the mesh.

If you're ready to start your wood fencing project Edmonton, or if you'd like to schedule a consultation, don't hesitate to contact us!

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